Category: Humor

You’re Persian if (Part 8)

1.    If when you’re buying something from another Persian (like a car or property…), you’re always hesitant wondering “why are they selling it? If it was good they wouldn’t be selling it…there must be...

You’re Persian if (Part 7)

1. If in what city your great, great, great grandfather was ‘born-in’ tells other Persians everything they need to know about you…Esfahooni, Kashi, Hamedouni…You’re definitely Persian 2. If at a party your goodbyes on...

You are Persian if (Part 6)

Feb 1, 2021 1- If you were able to somehow get the Corona Vaccine, and your only affiliation in the medical field is the doctor you visit for your handicap placard (for your dad...

You are Persian if (Part 5)

May 20, 2020 1- You’re Persian if there are 50 of you eating in the hospital waiting room…next to the sign that says “NO EATING IN THIS AREA” and you tell the worker “oh...

You are Persian if (Part 4)

Jul 18, 2019 1- In restaurants, you always stare at other Persians…trying to figure out if you know them, what they’re wearing, if they’re rich or poor, or if they’re gossip-worthy 2- There are...

You are Persian if (Part 3)

Jun 12, 2017 1- You spent a summer in England 30 years ago and still speak with a British accent…”Hellooo Govnneh” or took a semester of French and it’s always like: Oui Oui, Oui...

You are Persian if (Part 2)

Oct 8, 2015 1- You have 2 giant PILLARS in front of your house. You can always detect a Persian house from a mile away. The house can be Spanish, Tudor, Georgian or American...

You are Persian if (Part 1)

Sep 30, 2015 1- You wear dark sunglasses and a hat when you shop at Ross or 99 cent only stores. 2- When you quit smoking, you really just quit ‘buying’ cigarettes. You got...

Top 10 Benefits of Covid

10- Don’t have to go to your in-laws on Shabbat…just ask them to leave the gondi outside the door 9- You don’t have to buy toilet paper for the next 15 years 8- You...

My Dictionary…

1-ANxious=When you really really really have to poop 2-ANxiety=When you realize you don’t have toilet paper 3-DepressANt=Foods that make you constipated 4-DIEt=As in I’ll die if I don’t have rice or bread or kabob…...