by S. J. Tavakoli · January 24, 2022
Bring dark clouds together
To make rain
To irrigate
To harvest the fields
To grow the wheat
In the bread we eat
Moving out the clouds
Clear the air
Bring clarity
Warmth with the sun we see
Make beautiful music with wind chimes
But also destroy the weak
Expose the mighty
Create a mess amid destruction
Cold weather winter
Hot summer breeze
Bringing the new
Sweeping out the old
Invisible air in motion
Yet giving direction
What fills the sails of a boat
It can disperse dandelion seeds
It can bring down giant trees
Bring down dead leaves
Angry hurricane winds
Messenger of the gods
Wherever the wind blows
Moves dust and clouds to hide the sun
Or move them to see the stars
It can fertilize the earth with pollens
Or cause allergies and misery and pain
Oh mighty wind
You’re like a
Lost soul
Wherever the
Wind blows
Some days
I too
Feel like
The wind
We all do