The Onion

Some friends and friendships are like ‘cucumbers:’ very thin outer layer, fast and easy to get close to, but just as easy to lose; pretty much skin deep kind of friendships. These are people you may occasionally run into but don’t care enough to remember their names.

Some are like ‘watermelons:’ thick illusive exterior, you won’t really get to know ‘till further down the line. These may end up to be social climber friends who only want to use you to get close to your friends. They come and go…

Some are like ‘bananas:’ one thick layer on the outside, but when you finally peel the layer off, they’re very sweet and what you see is what you get. These are the very casual friends you see and chat with at parties and sometimes even go out with.

Some are like ‘carrots:’ thin bitter skin at first, but once you peel, quite rewarding after. These maybe your introverted and very private friends. You’d like to get closer to them, and they may even open up every once in a while, but you’ll learn that there is always so much you don’t know about them, because they don’t share everything.

Some are like ‘garlic:’ very complex, hard to peel, lots of benefits, but could create an aura that could scare some people. Your fun crazy friend could be garlic. You’ll have tons of fun with them, but they’re not for everyone; you might even keep them away from family, especially your parents.

Some friends are like ‘grapes:’ raw at the beginning, sweeter as time goes by; some do sour with time, but oh boy, if you try hard enough, these friendships last and can develop like fine wine and become more enjoyable by each passing year. Friends that make you act and feel like kids again, without judgment. Treasured friends that just the mention of their names, brings a smile and a million memories to life again. These are your childhood friends or classmates that you grew up with; I’m lucky to have many.

And then there is the ‘onion’ friend: lots of layers kind of friendship. Could be thick or thin skinned, sometimes sweet, sometimes harsh but always a loyal friend. As time goes by, you peel more layers and learn more about each other. You make each other laugh or cry, happy or sad. Share your hopes and fears, your strengths and weaknesses. This is your best friend. Your best friend for life friend. The one non-judgmental person you can share everything with, never have to explain yourself to type of friend that you would go to war with and would fight for and would die for friend. You’re lucky to have one, and super lucky if you have two or more of the onion type of friends. I’m extremely lucky to have a few.

So appreciate all your friends and friendships, as each one adds something unique to your life.

S. J. Tavakoli

My thoughts, funnies and poems...all in one place!

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12 Responses

  1. Babak Siminou says:

    I love it Shahriar! Your knowledge of fruits and vegetables by itself is impressive let alone the analogies. There are other vegetables that came to mind, but that’s another topic altogether. Much love,

  2. Babak Siminou says:

    I love it Shahriar! Your knowledge of fruits and vegetables by itself is impressive let alone the analogies. There are other vegetables that came to mind, but that’s another topic altogether. Much love,

  3. Siavash says:

    Shahriar Joon
    You are an amazing writer and even more amazing of a person.
    I wish all to have many many onion friends in their lives. Thank you for brightening my day.

  4. Navid says:

    Shahriar joon

    Loved your analogy and writing skills. You are the most organic, natural, fresh onion friend there is. Your goodness comes out as each layer is peeled. Even though you smell sometimes😁😁
    Really appreciate having you in our lives. Always my BFF. 🥂

    Much love ❤️ 🥰❤️

  5. Sheri says:

    Omg! This is amazing! I am really impressed and very proud to know I have such a talented friend with the heart of gold 💌 such a beautiful analogy! You nailed it 🙂 bravo my dear friend

  6. Thank you Sheri jan. Love you my onion

  7. Dalia M. says:

    Excellent piece Shahriar jan- You are a great writer and an even better observer of human nature and friendship. Makes me wonder though…what category of fruit/vegetable are friends whos company you truly enjoy and love but never get a chance to socialize with beyond the occasional namzadi or bar/bat mitzvah:) ? Lots of love.

  8. Mehran Jafroudi says:

    Shahriar joon, thank you for sharing your thoughts on friends and friendships. It was a joyful piece; well thought out and precise. Once again, I ABSOLUTELY encourage you to keep writing and look forward to reading more of your work…keep up the good work and hope to see you in person very soon 😘